Q: How long does it take to get up and running?
A: It takes a few days for a new domain to point to the right dirrectory. It may also take a few days if you need to setup a new PayPal account. Most sites are fully functional within one week. AEC sites are always a work in progress. We continually improve the functions and graphics over time.
Q: Are there any setup charges?
A: The setup charges for AEC sites is $150. to cover the work involved with the innitial configuration and the extra support that is required in launching a new site. There are no additional charges to make any content or cosmetic changes on an ongoing basis.
Q: How do products get on the site?
A: Store Owners log into their own Administration site and can add products, view orders, print out invoices & POs, Make page content changes etc.
Q: How do I know if I get an order?
A: Whenever an order is placed, you receive an e-mail with the order details. The Admin area also helps to keep track of your orders.
Q: How do I know how many visitors come to my site?
A: We setup your e-commerce site with Full e-commerce Google Analytics. You can log in to a special site that will give you comprehensive data including the number of unique visitors, the geographic location of visitors, what people are searching for when they find your e-commerce site, how much you are receiving in income for each unique visitor to your site etc.
Q: Is the shopping cart area secured?
A: We use a Shared Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to secure the shopping cart area. This is provided at no charge. If a store owner wants to purchase their own SSL, this can be arranged.
Q: How do I market my site?
A: AEC assists with sending your products to Google using special feeds. We also distribute banners of your site on other websites. We help in special content development to help people and search engines find your site. We also work with you to build your list of customers and prospects that can be reached via e-mail marketing and social networking.